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Takeda Benza Block L capsules 30 capsules/box

Takeda Benza Block L capsules 30 capsules/box

Regular price HK$198.00
Regular price Sale price HK$198.00
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Relieve cold symptoms (sore throat, fever, congestion, runny nose, chills, headache, joint pain, muscle pain, coughing, sneezing)

[Usage] Take within 30 minutes after meals.

Over 15 years old: 2 tablets each time, 3 times a day
Under 15 years old: Do not use

Precautions (contraindications) regarding the use of designated Class 2 medicinal products must be confirmed. Log in to the seller and talk about it.


■ベンザブロックL 30カプレット【Takedaコンシューマーヘルスケア】
「ベンザブロックL 30カプレット」は、のどのpainみ・発热によくeffectくかぜ薬です.
It has antipyretic and analgesic effects, and it can improve pain and heat.
It is used to relieve congestion of nasal mucosa and to relieve congestion of nasal mucosa.
5 kinds of ingredients are used to relieve symptoms and relieve symptoms.
のみやすい小白いカプレットタイプの甭剤です. Medical products.

■Contents: 30 カプレット

■Efficacy and effect: Alleviation of various symptoms of かぜの(のどのpain, heat, nose, nose, cold, headache, joint pain, muscle pain, せき, くしゃみ)

■Usage and Capacity: No dosage, no more than 30 minutes after eating, no water, no soup, no time to drink.

[Year: 1 dose: number of times to take per day]
15 years and above: 2 tablets: 3 times
Under 15 years old: taking しないこと

[Note that usage and dosage are not related]
(1) Usage and Dosage
(2)カプレット(锭剤)のtakingり出し方:カプレットの入っているPTPシートのconvex part を Refers to the first strong く pressing して, inside のアルミ foilをbreak り, take り出してtake すること. (Mistakes are caused by accidents in the esophageal mucosa.)

■Usage precautions: ●してはいけないこと
(Survey of current symptoms, change of symptoms, side effects and accidents, etc.)
1. The person who takes it every time is the same person
(1) The treatment of a doctor is a person who is treated by a doctor.
(2) A pregnant woman is a pregnant woman.
(3) Those who are tall and tall.
(4) The symptoms of 薬などによりアレルギーをこしたことがある人.
(5) People with symptoms.
High fever and difficulty urinating
(6) The diagnosis is made by a person.
Hepatopathy, nephropathy, glaucoma, systemic cystitis, mixed combined tissue disease, respiratory dysfunction, occlusive sleep apnea syndrome, obesity
(7) The disease of the time is a person.
Stomach and duodenal ulcer, ulcerative colitis, Korona disease
(8) Monoamine acidifying enzyme inhibitors (such as セレギリン塩塩塩, etc.) are used to treat people suffering from chronic diseases.
(9) かぜ薬, antitussive たん薬, and rhinitis can be taken orally.
2. This medicine is used as a medical medicine, and the medicine used as a medical medicine is used as a medicine.
Other medicinal herbs, antipyretic and analgesic medicinal herbs, sedative medicinal herbs, antitussive and antitussive medicinal herbs, anti-inflammatory medicinal herbs containing medicinal herbs, etc. (oral medicinal herbs for rhinitis, oral administration medicinal herbs for rhinitis, アレルギーmedicine for oral administration, hypnotic medicinal herbs) Sedative medicine, etc.)
3. After taking it, use it to operate the mechanical equipment.
(梦気wai があらわれることがある.)
4. If you are breast-feeding, you should take it when you are breastfeeding, and when you are breastfeeding, you should avoid taking it when you are breastfeeding.
5. Do not drink alcohol before and after taking it
6. Long term use

●Talk about it
1. Please contact a registered medical practitioner or pharmacist before taking this product.
(1) The treatment of a doctor is a person who is treated by a doctor.
(2) A pregnant woman is a pregnant woman.
(3) Those who are tall and tall.
(4) The symptoms of 薬などによりアレルギーをこしたことがある人.
(5) People with symptoms.
High fever and difficulty urinating
(6) The diagnosis is made by a person.
Hepatopathy, nephropathy, glaucoma, systemic cystitis, mixed combined tissue disease, respiratory dysfunction, occlusive sleep apnea syndrome, obesity
(7) The disease of the time is a person.
Stomach and duodenal ulcer, ulcerative colitis, Korona disease
(8) Monoamine acidifying enzyme inhibitors (such as セレギリン塩塩塩, etc.) are used to treat people suffering from chronic diseases.
(9) かぜ薬, antitussive medicine, oral medicine for rhinitis, etc., により, insomnia, めまい, feeling of weakness, ふるえ, kinetic palpitations, こしたことがある人.
2. After taking it, the possibility of side effects, symptoms, and occasions, the possibility of discontinuation of taking, the doctor of the document, the doctor of the doctor, the registered seller, and the consultation.こと

[Relationship Parts: Symptoms]
Skin: Eczema, redness, redness, greenness
Digestive organ: vomiting, vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach discomfort, stomach pain, stomatitis, chest pain, stomach pain, gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stools
Psychic spirit type: めまい, insomnia, allergy to spirit, けいれん
Circulator: palpitation Respirator: incision Urinary organ: difficulty urinating
そのhim: excessive hypothermia, color のほてり, abnormal なまぶしさ
The symptoms of まれに下记の重尊なが开こることがある. In this case, the doctor's diagnosis and treatment is done by a straight doctor.
[Name of symptom: Symptom]
ショック(アナフィラキシー): After taking it, すぐに, skin のかゆみ, じんましん, sound のかすれ, くしゃみ, のどのかゆみ, pain in breathing, palpitations, cloudy consciousness, etc. があらわれる.
Mucocutaneous and ocular syndrome (スティーブンス・ジョンソン syndrome), toxic epidermal leukemia, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis: high fever, eye congestion, eye congestion, lip pain, and pain skin Rash, redness, redness, small pustules on the skin (small pustules), general body rash, appetite irritation, etc., irritability, etc.
Liver dysfunction: fever, rash, rash, jaundice (white eyes, yellow skin), brown urine, body irritation, loss of appetite, etc.
Kidney disorders: fever, rash, decreased urine output, general pain, general pain, joint pain, diarrhea, etc.
Interstitial pneumonia: stage を上ったり, 小し无reasonable をしたりすると西杀れがする・ 久久しくなる, emptiness せき, 発热 がみられ, これらが久にあらわれたり、続したりする.
ぜんそく: 色をするときゼーゼー, ヒューヒューと声る, 丝kuしい, etc.があらわれる.
Aplastic anemia: blue blood, nosebleeds, bleeding of the nose, heat, skin and mucous membranes are blue and white, fatigue, palpitation, restlessness, blood pressure, hematuria, etc.あらわれる.
Agrasular globus disease: sudden high fever, no pain, no pain, etc.
Respiratory depression: breath cutting, resting pain, etc.
3. After taking it, the symptoms of the next time are the same as the symptoms, and the symptoms are the same as the symptoms. The clerk is a doctor, a doctor is a registered nurse, and the salesperson is registered Talk about it
Constipation, insomnia, and insomnia
4. When the symptoms of taking しても are 5-6 times (especially hot for more than 3 days, ずいたり, また热が Repeatedly したりするとき), the taking is discontinued, and the このdocument is maintained. Doctor って, doctor 薬褤师またはLog in to the salesperson and talk about it

■Ingredients and quantity: 6 tablets (1-day dosage)

【はたらき:Ingredients: Content】
Hot をさげ, pain みを and らげる: イブプロフェン: 450mg
Nasal and nasal discharge: Hyaluronic acid hydroxide: 135mg
Nose・くしゃみを和らげる:クロルフェニラミンマレイン acid chloride: 7.5mg
せきを和らげる:ジヒドロコデインリン acid chloride: 24mg
Headache を and らげる: Anhydrous カフェイン: 75mg
Additives: lactose hydrate, lactose Na, ヒドロキシプロピルセルロース, セルロース, ステアリン acid Mg, ヒプロメロース, acidified チタン, トウモロコシデンプン

■Storage and handling precautions: (1) Keep the product in a cool box without direct sunlight.
(2) The small hand is kept in the safe place.
(3) His の container に 入れ出えないこと (misuse reason になったりquality が変わる).
(4) The product cannot be used until the expiry date has passed.
(5) Enter the "year, month, and day of opening" in the box, and enter the daily payment of the inner bag (アルミのbag) after opening.
(6) Once the inner bag (アルミののbag) is opened, the point of maintaining quality is to take it within 6 months after the opening date.

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