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EVE A Tablets EX Pain Relief 40 Tablets Box

EVE A Tablets EX Pain Relief 40 Tablets Box

Regular price HK$78.00
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イブA ingot EXエスエス made 40 capsules

【Product desciption】

"EVE A Tablets EX" is mainly aimed at relieving women's menstrual period pain and more severe headaches. It is mainly intended for patients who are disturbed by severe physiological pain and seek effective analgesic effects. Compared with the "EVE A tablet" introduced above, the effect is more obvious, but the dosage and ingredients are also larger. So if you just have general menstrual period pain or headache, it is recommended to buy EVE A tablets.

【Function Effect】
●Menstrual pain (physiological pain), headache, toothache, sore throat, joint pain, muscle pain, neuralgia, lower back pain, stiff shoulders, pain after tooth extraction, bruises, earache, fracture pain, numbness pain, traumatic pain ●Fever-reducing medicine for chills and fever

Take it up to two times a day according to the following dosage, and avoid taking it on an empty stomach as much as possible.
Allow at least 6 hours between doses.
Adults (15 years and over)...2 tablets each time
Under 15 years old...Do not use

[Ingredients] Ibuprofen in 2 tablets: 200 mg Allylisopropyl acetamide: 60 mg
Caffeine anhydrous: 80 mg

Precautions (contraindications) regarding the use of designated Class 2 medicinal products must be confirmed. Log in to the seller and talk about it.


■イブA tablet EX 40 tablets【エスエス疬】
"イブA Tablets EX 40 Tablets" contains the analgesic effect of "すぐれた" and "イブプロフェンを" which is an analgesic ingredient. The analgesic effect of さらにその高めるアリルイソプロピルアセチルurea and anhydrous カフェインを combined with したつです. Medical products.

■Inner capacity: 40 tablets

■Efficacy and effect: Menstrual pain (menstrual pain), headache, sore throat, sore throat, joint pain, muscle pain, nerve pain, low back pain, shoulder pain, post-stomach pain, throbbing pain, earache, fracture pain, and back pain・Analgesia for traumatic pain
●Anti-pyretic when suffering from cold or heat

■Usage and Capacity: 1 dose per day, 2 doses per day, 2 doses per day, 1 dose per day, 2 doses per day on an empty stomach, 1 dose with water, 1 dose with water, and 1 dose with soup. The interval between taking is more than 6 hours.
【Year/1 volume】
Adult (over 15 years old) / 2 tablets
15 Cai Weiming/taking しないこと

[Note that usage and dosage are not related]
(1) Usage and dosage
(2) 甭剤のtakingり出し方:甭剤の入っているPTPシートのconvex partを Refers to the first strong く pressing して内のアルミfoil をbreakり、take り出してお Drink みください. (Mistake ってそのまま drink み込んだりするとesophageal mucosa に protrusion きthorn さるなど思わぬaccident につながります.)

■Usage precautions: ●してはいけないこと(keeping らないと present symptom が悪化したり, side effects and accidents がこりやすくなります.)
1. It’s the best time for people to take it.
(1) The ingredients of this medicine are as follows: Symptoms of the medicine are as follows:
(2) This medicine is also used for antipyretic and analgesic medicine, and for people who take it with it.
(3) The 15-year-old is still young.
(4) The baby is delivered to a pregnant woman within 12 weeks of the scheduled date of delivery.
2. This medicine is used for medicine, and the medicine for medicine is used for medicine.
Other antipyretic and analgesic pills, かぜ薬, sedative pills, and 成物酔い薬
3. After taking it, the transportation of objects and machinery can be carried out again.
4. Drinking alcohol before and after taking it
5. Use it continuously for a long time

●Talk about it
1. Please consult with a physician, hygienist, or nurse practitioner before taking this product and a registered nurse practitioner.
(1) The doctor and the doctor are the recipients of the treatment.
(2) A pregnant woman is also a pregnant woman.
(3) People who are breastfeeding.
(4) Those who are tall and tall.
(5) 薬などによりアレルギー Symptoms are caused by people.
(6) The diagnosis is made by a person. Cardiac disease, renal disease, hepatopathy, systemic disease, mixed conjunctivitis
(7) The disease of the time is a person.
Stomach and duodenal ulcer, ulcerative colitis, Korona disease
2. After taking it, the possibility of side effects, symptoms, and occasions, the possibility of discontinuation of taking, the instruction manual, the doctor, the doctor and the registered seller, we can talk to each other.さい
[Related parts/symptoms]
Skin/ Rash・Redness, かゆみ, 青あざができる
Digestive organ/vomiting, vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach pain, stomach discomfort, stomach discomfort, gastrointestinal bleeding, chest discomfort, abdominal pain, stomatitis, diarrhea, bloody stools
Spiritual God System/めまい
Respirator / breath cutter
そのhim/ Eye のかすみ, ear なり, むくみ, nosebleed, 歯ぐきのbleeding, bleeding がstop まりにくい, bleeding, back pain み, excessive のlow body temperature, からだがだるい
◇まれに下记の重 Du な Symptoms が こることがあります. The occasion is the same as the doctor's diagnosis and treatment.
【Name of symptom・・・Symptom】
ショック(アナフィラキシー)・・・After taking すぐに, skin のかゆみ, じんましん, sound のかすれ, くしゃみ, のどのかゆみ, pain in resting, twitching, cloudy consciousness, etc. があらわれる.
Mucocutaneous and ocular syndrome (スティーブンス・ジョンソン syndrome), toxic epidermal leukemia syndrome・・・High fever, eye congestion, eyes, lips, lips, pain, and skin disorders Rash, redness, etc.たり、Jiji に悪化する.
Liver dysfunction・・・Heat fever, rash, rash, jaundice (white eyes, yellow skin), brown urine, general irritation, loss of appetite, etc.
Kidney disorders: fever, rash, decreased urine output, general pain, general pain, joint pain, diarrhea, etc.
Aseptic peritonitis・・・Signs of first infection include headache, fever, vomiting, and other symptoms. (Symptoms and symptoms of systemic disease, mixed combined tissue disease, and treatment of mixed combined tissue disease are reported by many people.)
Aplastic anemia・・・Azure, nosebleed, nose bleeding, fever, bluish white skin and mucous membranes, fatigue, palpitations, restlessness, irritability, hematuria, etc.があらわれる.
Agras...Sudden high fever, no pain, no pain, etc.
3. After taking it, the symptoms of the next time are the same as the symptoms, the symptoms are the same and the symptoms are strong and the situation is strong, the use is discontinued, and the instruction manual is the same. I am a doctor, a nurse practitioner and a registered nurse practitioner. Talk about it
Constipation, insomnia
4. If you take the medicine 3-4 times according to the symptoms, please stop taking it if you have any symptoms. The instructions for the medicine should be consulted by a doctor, a pediatrician, or a nurse practitioner and a registered salesperson.

■Ingredients and weight: イブプロフェン: 200mg
Aurea urea: 60mg
Anhydrous カフェイン: 80mg
Additives: Anhydrous koala acid, セルロース, クロスカルメロースNa, ポリビニルアルコール・アクリル acid・メタクリル acidメチルCo-overlapping body, タルク, ステアリン acid Mg, ヒドロ キシプロピルセルロース, ヒプロメロース, マクロゴール, acidified チタン

■Storage and handling precautions: (1) Keep the product in a cool and dry place exposed to direct sunlight.
(2) The small hand is kept in the safekeeping place.
(3) His container is made of water. (The cause of misuse is the quality of the product.)
(4) The expiry date is the same as the use period.

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