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Takeda Benza Block S Comprehensive cold medicine (for runny nose) 30 tablets

Takeda Benza Block S Comprehensive cold medicine (for runny nose) 30 tablets

Regular price HK$148.00
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[Category 2 Medical Drugs] Ponzuron S (30 tablets)


Relieves various cold symptoms (runny nose, stuffy nose, sore throat, sneezing, cough, chills, fever, headache, joint pain, muscle pain)

Take the following amount with water or hot water within 30 minutes after a meal without chewing.

15 years and above: 2 tablets each time, 3 times daily
12-14 years old: 1 tablet each time, 3 times daily
Under 12 years of age: Do not use


Product Classification: Designated Class II Medical Products

【ベンザブロックS product details】
●Nasal juice secretion suppressor and anti-suppressant ingredients, nasal discharge and nasal discharge・くしゃみをeasing します.
●トラネキサムAcid can suppress mucosal inflammation and relieve pain.
●Antipyretic and analgesic ingredients, アセトアミノフェンなど8 kinds of ingredients, がバランスよくはたらいて, かぜのいろいろなをAlleviate symptoms and します.
●のみやすいSmall and light yellow のカプレットタイプの锭剤です.


・Alleviation of various symptoms of かぜの(nasal discharge, nasal congestion, のどのache, くしゃみ, せき, たん, cold, heat, headache, joint pain, muscle pain)

・The amount of food should be taken every time, the amount should be taken within 30 minutes after eating, the water should be taken with water, and the water should be taken with water.
15 years and above: 2 tablets per time, 3 times per day
12 years old to 14 years old: 1 tablet per time, 3 times a day
12 years old and under: Taking しないこと

★Note on usage and dosage
(1) When the child is taking care of the situation, the guardian will guide and supervise the use of the care.
(2) Usage and dosage
カプレットの入っているPTP シートのconvex part を refers to the first でstrong く pressing して, the inside のアルミfoil をbreak り, and the り出して takes すること(error ってそのままのみこんだりするとesophageal mucosa にProtrusion きthorn さるwaitsi わぬaccident につながる).


6 tablets (daily dosage for those over 15 years old): 900mg
ヨウ化イソプロパミド: 6mg
d-クロルフェニラミンマレイン acid chloride: 3.5mg
Toromanic acid: 420mg
Diphenamine: 24mg
dL-メチルエフェドリン塩塩桩: 60mg
Anhydrous カフェイン: 75mg
Additives: セルロース, トウモロコシデンプン, カルメロースCa, ポビドン, ステアリン acid Mg, ヒプロメロース, マクロゴール, acidified チタン, iron triphosphate

(Survey of current symptoms, change of symptoms, side effects and accidents, etc.)
1. The first time someone takes it
(1) The ingredients of this product are the same as the original one. Symptoms are the same for people.
(2) This medicine is used for antipyretic and analgesic medicine, and it is used for antipyretic and analgesic medicine.
(3) A small child who is not yet 12 years old.
2. This medicine is used when taking medicine, and the medicine used in medicine is used when using medicine.
Other medicinal herbs, antipyretic and analgesic medicinal herbs, sedative medicinal herbs, antitussive and phlegm-removing medicinal herbs, anti-inflammatory medicinal herbs containing oral medicinal herbs, etc. (oral medicinal herbs for rhinitis, ride-on medicinal herbs, antitussive medicinal herbs, hypnotic and sedative medicinal herbs, etc.), Toroネキサム acid contains するOral administration, gastrointestinal analgesic and antispasmodic medicine
3. After taking it, do not use it when riding on objects or operating machinery.
(Symptoms such as sleeping and sleeping, abnormal symptoms, etc.)
4. If you are breast-feeding, you should avoid taking this medicine when you are breastfeeding, and if you are breastfeeding, you should avoid taking it when you are breastfeeding.
5. Do not drink alcohol before and after taking it.
6. Long-term continuous use of しないこと

★Talk about it
1. Please contact your doctor or pharmacist before taking the product and talk to the registered seller.
(1) The treatment of a doctor is a person who is treated by a doctor.
(2) A pregnant woman is a pregnant woman.
(3) Those who are tall and tall.
(4) The symptoms of 薬などによりアレルギーをこしたことがある人.
(5) People with symptoms. High fever and difficulty urinating
(6) The diagnosis is made by a person. Thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, cardiomyopathy, high blood pressure, hepatopathy, nephropathy, gastric and duodenal ulcers, glaucoma, thrombosis (thrombosis, myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis), thrombosis syndromeのある人, respiratory dysfunction, occlusive sleep apnea syndrome, obesity
(7) Parasympathetic nerve blockers (such as ベラドンナ総アルカロイド, ヨウ化イソプロパミド, ロートエキス, etc.) are to be taken orally.している人.

5-6 times of taking してもsymptoms and がよくならない cases. をStop taking し, このclerk holder って doctor, 薬艤师 またはLogin seller に同すること

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